BHV Engelstalig

BHV Care’s emergency response program contains all the necessary information to help someone in an emergency.

The program includes all the content from the First Aid Responder and the Fire Safety and Evacuation training. Learn step by step how to get people to safety in an emergency.


* Course: Lifesaving First Acts (including the CPR module with an AED)
* Course: Fire safety and Evacuation training

This course is in English. This can also be followed in Dutch.

Total duration: 210 minutes

€ 46,- per person (excl. BTW)

Emergency Responder Training (ERT)

The online Emergency Response Training (ERT) by BHV Care contains all essential information to help someone in an emergency situation. It is a complete emergency response training course with which you fully comply with the requirements of the Working Conditions Act.

After completing this course you will know what to do in an emergency situation at work. You will learn the following:

  • how to extinguish a small fire
  • what to do during an evacuation
  • how to get people to safety
  • how to perform various life-saving actions, such as the Heimlich maneuver and the Rautek grip
  • evaluate whether CPR is needed and how to perform CPR
  • how to use an AED
  • and more!

The course can be done on your own device, wherever and whenever you want.

Have your employees follow an emergency response basic course

Do you employ staff as an entrepreneur? Then it is important to make an inventory of safety in the workplace. This is even a legal obligation under the health and safety legislation. Your staff must be able to work safely, without unnecessary risks of an accident. Of course, an accident can always occur or a calamity, such as a fire, breaks out. You must also have a plan drawn up for this in accordance with the health and safety legislation. In the event of a calamity, qualified personnel must be present who can provide first aid or who manage an evacuation in the right direction. For this it is necessary that they follow an emergency response basic course.

Comply with the legislation by having your employees follow a basic emergency response course

If you have found employees willing to become an emergency response team member, you must have them follow a basic emergency response course. There are various options for registering your employees for an emergency response basic course. But as a modern company you also want to offer your employees the course in a modern way. This is possible with a basic BHV course from BHV Care. Safety is of course central in this course, but sustainability is central to the way in which the course is given. Employees follow the basic course completely online, so that they do not emit any CO². Safety and sustainability go very well together.

Follow an emergency response basic course via BHV Care

BHV Care stands for modern online BHV courses that focus on sustainability. The quality of the emergency response basic course is not compromised. In fact, the instructional videos are so clearly composed that hands-on fashions are no longer necessary. This makes the BHV basic course of BHV Care the most modern BHV course. Therefore, let your employees follow an emergency response basic course via BHV Care. With this you meet the legal requirements and you also take sustainability into account. Your employees will also be happy, they will benefit from flexibility and can take the course when it suits them.

€ 46,- (excl. BTW)

  • Levensreddende eerste handelingen (incl aed)
  • Brandveiligheid en Evacuatie training
  • Cursus certificaat
  • Taal: Engels
  • 1 uur, 20 minuten

Voldoet aan de richtlijnen van de de Europese (Arbo) wetgeving

BHV Opleiding is een onderdeel van de Europese richtlijn 89-391/EEG. In Nederland is dit de arbeidsomstandighedenwet (artikel 15) hierin staat uitgelegd welke richtlijnen er gehanteerd moeten worden om te voldoen aan de wetgeving.

Al deze richtlijnen zijn doorgevoerd in de online cursus van BHV Care. Doordat BHV Care de Europese richtlijnen heeft opgevolgd voldoe je na afronden van de cursus aan de Europese (arbo)wetgeving.

Sinds enkele jaren wordt de BHV cursus van BHV Care ook uitgevoerd in verschillende Europese landen waaronder Denemarken, Ierland en Spanje.


Gister mijn kennis mbt reanimeren opgefrist met de online cursus (ben verpleegkundige) Vanmorgen om 05:30 gaat het alarm, reanimatie oproep bij mij in de buurt. Ik ben als eerste ter plaatse en begin de reanimatie, hoe de toestand van het slachtoffer nu is weet ik niet, wat ik wel weet is dat ik iets goeds heb kunnen doen. Mede door de online cursus doortastend en voortvarend te werk kunnen gaan. Ik wil dan via deze weg ook de hoop uitspreken dat er veel mensen deze cursus gaan doen en zich aanmelden als vrijwilliger om te reanimeren bijvoorbeeld via

Vol enthousiasme ben ik begonnen, als vrijwilligster van Onky Donky, aan de online Bhv cursus. 

In deze cursus worden handvatten aangereikt die de basis vormen voor een goede Bhv er. Het voordeel van deze online cursus is dat je het makkelijk inpast in je drukke agenda. De online opzet leidt je in duidelijke stappen door de cursus. Resultaat van deze leerzame cursus is dat je met vertrouwen als vrijwilligster aan de slag kunt en kunt optreden in situaties wanneer er Bhv benodigd is.