Reanimatie (met AED) Engels
Learn about Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation with an AED
In small steps how to resuscitate someone with and without AED according to the standards of the Red Cross and the Heart Foundation. This module is also included in the BHV Care course Lifesaving Action.
* Learn to evaluate whether CPR is needed
* Learn to resuscitate
* Learn to use an AED
* Do the test!
This course is in English. This can also be followed in Dutch.
Total duration: 40 minutes
€ 14,00 per person (excl. BTW)
You can save lives with CPR training
One of the reasons why companies are obliged to have an in-house emergency response worker on the work floor is that he or she can take life-saving first actions. A colleague can have cardiac arrest or a heart attack during working hours. This is not uncommon as these problems often come at unexpected times. It is then extremely important that immediate action is taken. Obviously, medical help must be sought, but when someone is no longer breathing, every second counts. Waiting for an ambulance can take too long. When you have followed a CPR training, you can save the life of your colleague.
CPR training online and as practical training
If you want to follow a resuscitation training yourself or if you do this at the request of your employer, you can contact BHV Care. It is not always necessary to practice this. In this short 40-minute training session, you will learn to recognize whether CPR is needed, how to perform CPR and how to use an AED. In addition to the online modules, an employer can organize practical training, in which you practice CPR in a group of 6 people.
Online resuscitation training at BHV Care
In principle, practical training is no longer necessary to learn how to resuscitate. BHV Care provides online resuscitation training to acquire solid knowledge about resuscitation with or without AED. It is a sustainably responsible course that does not require you to travel to a practical location. You can easily follow the course in your own familiar environment via PC, tablet or smartphone. After completing the online CPR training, you will have sufficient knowledge to intervene if someone needs to be resuscitated.
Follow an AED course via BHV Care
If you follow an online AED course from BHV Care, you do not have to follow a practical course, as is still the case with the classic courses. We have put together the online AED course in such a way that you get to know the operation of an AED through interactive videos. Practical lessons are no longer necessary. With this we prove that a course can also be set up sustainably and an online AED course also offers you the freedom to plan your time yourself.
€ 14,00 (excl. BTW)
Voldoet aan de richtlijnen van de de Europese (Arbo) wetgeving
BHV Opleiding is een onderdeel van de Europese richtlijn 89-391/EEG. In Nederland is dit de arbeidsomstandighedenwet (artikel 15) hierin staat uitgelegd welke richtlijnen er gehanteerd moeten worden om te voldoen aan de wetgeving.
Al deze richtlijnen zijn doorgevoerd in de online cursus van BHV Care. Doordat BHV Care de Europese richtlijnen heeft opgevolgd voldoe je na afronden van de cursus aan de Europese (arbo)wetgeving.
Sinds enkele jaren wordt de BHV cursus van BHV Care ook uitgevoerd in verschillende Europese landen waaronder Denemarken, Ierland en Spanje.
Gister mijn kennis mbt reanimeren opgefrist met de online cursus (ben verpleegkundige) Vanmorgen om 05:30 gaat het alarm, reanimatie oproep bij mij in de buurt. Ik ben als eerste ter plaatse en begin de reanimatie, hoe de toestand van het slachtoffer nu is weet ik niet, wat ik wel weet is dat ik iets goeds heb kunnen doen. Mede door de online cursus doortastend en voortvarend te werk kunnen gaan. Ik wil dan via deze weg ook de hoop uitspreken dat er veel mensen deze cursus gaan doen en zich aanmelden als vrijwilliger om te reanimeren bijvoorbeeld via
Vol enthousiasme ben ik begonnen, als vrijwilligster van Onky Donky, aan de online Bhv cursus.
In deze cursus worden handvatten aangereikt die de basis vormen voor een goede Bhv er. Het voordeel van deze online cursus is dat je het makkelijk inpast in je drukke agenda. De online opzet leidt je in duidelijke stappen door de cursus. Resultaat van deze leerzame cursus is dat je met vertrouwen als vrijwilligster aan de slag kunt en kunt optreden in situaties wanneer er Bhv benodigd is.